Sunday, November 11, 2007

Good Job people!!

Right and we're back.

Chamber concert's over and it was a job well done on everybody's part, especially Zenn and John! Kudos to the entire quartet for the great chemistry and co-operation.

Upcoming events:-

1) reading through Mozart's String Quintets with Mr. Sze. My my we really are addicted to Mozart aren't we? especially his quintets. Remember to photocopy the scores and practice your parts.

2) RISE-RV combined concert! Two members of our quartet - Myself and Ryan will be playing for all three combined pieces, which is great. (Not that the pieces are exceptionally hard, though). Still, practice and sing!!

So that's it for now i suppose.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Upcoming Concert

Hi everyone,
With regards to the upcoming concert on the 1st of November, i think we need alot more practice!Can i propose that we have another rehearsal on Monday? Please voice your suggestions in the tag board thx. Oh and one more thing, this blog is gonna be dead soon so Jiang Hao Tian, please join the blog and the rest of us better start postingxD

Cheers, MatteBlack(pronounced as"matt-black"as said by John)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


DEAR HemiDemiSemiQuavers,

how to get to Carnegie? Practice Practice Practice?
Wrong. We've already been there...

anyway. rehearsal. this friday. from o+n+e one to t+w+o+t+h+i+r+t+y two thirty. there goes. found scores for clarinet quintet. practice without zenn first. will contact zenn tomorrow

good night.

Friday Rehearsal

I hereby inform everyone with membership in the hemi-semi-demi-quaver quartet assosciation that there is a tentative Friday Rehearsal. For the benefit of less intellectual beings, the word tentative means "unconfirmed but highly possible".

I seek permission from Acting Chairman Theophilus to confirm reherasal that our quartet might soar to greater heights with Mozart's Clarinet Quintet.

In case you do not know, a clarinet quintet needs a CLARINETIST. Therefore, Zenn has agreed to render his services but unfortunately messenger Jonathan Shin has yet to come back with the score for the quintet..

Please, Theophilus, get all necessary details sorted out. All the more so as you are heading next year's Malaysian Montage ADMIN section and have roped me in without asking me.

Yours more faithfully than ever ,


Monday, September 10, 2007

Fridau Rehearsal

I might not be able to make it as I'm supposed to practice Shawn's chopin piano concerto part (I have to play for arts@gallery with him) and that is quite soon.

Thing is: He wants to practice on friday same time slot as well. So, either i cancel or shift, or miss this rehearsal (which I can't).

I'll call Shawn.


Sorry for wasting blog space.



Oh yes guys hope you like the name..

Right, that's it for now..

P.S. I won't be blogging for some time till my exams are over because i have to go into *ultra-mugging-mode* therefore do not expect anything to come soon.
Furthermore my cello exam is TOMORROW and I'm feeling faint.. !scales!
Pray for me!



Sunday, September 9, 2007

Practice this friday

Dear HEmiDEmiSEmiQUavers,

Any objection to quartet rehearsal this friday, the day of our Arts@Atruim, at our normal time from 1 pm to 3 pm?

things to be done:
-contact Zenn Chua: if he can't make it, we can always read through ourselves first. and i think we should just practice by ourselves this friday cos it isn't very nice if we invite him over and hey, some people are sightreading and others are faking. (Ahem)
-Obtain scores - we can't practice the blank music stand right??

that's all folks

Our new name!!

This is the formal announcement of our quartet name

It has been changed to: (round of applause please) HEMIDEMISEMIQUAVERS. in case you didn't know, that's half of half of half of half of a crotchet... which is one count, by the way.

Our blog name shall remain as Quartet Fantasia, but the URL and the name that we shall be known by will be HEMIDEMISEMIQUAVERS.

tkwek, 1st violin

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Quartet Fantasia

The name quartet fantasia sounds real nice lols y cant we just stick with it?

Matte Black

ok look, our name is horrible.

so theo(the guy who came up with that idiotic name)... we're going to open up for suggestions on our tagbox. so PLEASE come up with something, anything and we just might be that.

thanks guys!


Friday, September 7, 2007

Programme for the year

Our Programme for the year-end chamber music concert, on the 2nd of November, has been decided!!!

Quartet Fantasia will be playing
1) Elegy: a duet for violin and cello - John and Theophilus
2) Mozart's Clarinet Quintet - the quartet with renowned clarinetist Zenn Chua!!!

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How we began...

With every quartet, this quartet has a life-story - a birth, a growth, a life.

This is how ours began...

We were born in the mid-year season of the year 2007 A.D., as the backbone for the Secondary One batch of Raffles Institution String Ensemble members. Freshly back from a sojourn to the famed Carnegie Hall, New York, we were raring to go and itching for new performance experiences. With the year-end Chamber Music Concert in mind, our conductor, Mr. T Sze, called us together and formed the quartet.

Our first gig came on the 24th of August, 2007. The Secondary One quartet, as we were then called, was called on the perform at the reception venue of the Inaugural National Youth Poetry Slam event, hosted right here in our school, Raffles Institution.

We received good response from the guests and this has brought us thus far.