Thursday, September 6, 2007

How we began...

With every quartet, this quartet has a life-story - a birth, a growth, a life.

This is how ours began...

We were born in the mid-year season of the year 2007 A.D., as the backbone for the Secondary One batch of Raffles Institution String Ensemble members. Freshly back from a sojourn to the famed Carnegie Hall, New York, we were raring to go and itching for new performance experiences. With the year-end Chamber Music Concert in mind, our conductor, Mr. T Sze, called us together and formed the quartet.

Our first gig came on the 24th of August, 2007. The Secondary One quartet, as we were then called, was called on the perform at the reception venue of the Inaugural National Youth Poetry Slam event, hosted right here in our school, Raffles Institution.

We received good response from the guests and this has brought us thus far.

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