Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Friday Rehearsal

I hereby inform everyone with membership in the hemi-semi-demi-quaver quartet assosciation that there is a tentative Friday Rehearsal. For the benefit of less intellectual beings, the word tentative means "unconfirmed but highly possible".

I seek permission from Acting Chairman Theophilus to confirm reherasal that our quartet might soar to greater heights with Mozart's Clarinet Quintet.

In case you do not know, a clarinet quintet needs a CLARINETIST. Therefore, Zenn has agreed to render his services but unfortunately messenger Jonathan Shin has yet to come back with the score for the quintet..

Please, Theophilus, get all necessary details sorted out. All the more so as you are heading next year's Malaysian Montage ADMIN section and have roped me in without asking me.

Yours more faithfully than ever ,


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